2 cups of green lentils (all colors work fine)
6-8 cups of liquid (half veggie broth and half water) (* i have used ALL water and it works fine)
1/4 cup of tamari/soy sauce (wheat free)
1 can of stewed tomatoes
* can add any other veggies or spices (i like a bay leaf) you think are good
put water and soy sauce in a big soup pot and bring to a low boil
when boiling add lentils and reduce to soup simmer
simmer for about 45 minutes
while its simmering get one onion, one carrot, and one can of tomatos and cook them in a pan with a little oil (you can also just put them in the pot without cooking them first and its just fine!)
add the veggies and cook for 30 more minutes
add more liquid as needed and salt and pepper to taste
its done when the lentils are soft enough to eat
sometimes if i want more of a comfort food i add a dollop of toffuti sour cream!
it's pretty easy, and takes about an hour total to prep. super high in protein and low in calories and fat. filling and easy if you don't have alot of time during the week.
also lentils are good for you.
from Nutritional Data:
This food is very low in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol. It is also a good source of Protein, Iron, Phosphorus and Copper, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Folate and Manganese.