First: I am totally craving something American; pizza, hamburger, something really filling. I understand that this is a little about retraining myself to know what a comfortable full is (wow, that was a weight loss phrase wasn't it?), but i think the common denominator is cheese. I think I need cheese.
Second: I was reading Dooce's LAME excuse for quitting the cleanse when she did it. I know this is old news, and i am a little behind, but all she had was a sinus infection with major withdrawal from caffeine and/or sugar. It isn't like this cleanse is doing anything for you that would make you sick. I don't read Dooce regularly, but I now have not much respect for her. Come on...
Third: I had this for lunch: Quizno's Flatbread salad. However, I didn't want to say "Hi, can I have the black and bleu flatbread salad without meat, bleu cheese, or flatbread?" They would have looked at me like i was crazy. So, I bought it. How is it that normally when you buy these things, there are a few pieces of cheese and beef, but today, the day I was going to pick that stuff off in the privacy of my office back at work, it is LOADED? I swear, there was 1/2 pound of beef on that thing, and more bleu cheese than you could shake a stick at. Crap!

When I took all of the stuff off that I am cleansing, it looked like this, and I paid $8.11 for it!

haha. they don't care if you say to take things off. it saves them MONEY! there are awesome vegan burgers you can have with vegan fries and tons of fixings. with watermelon. now thats really american.
also hot dogs are vegan. um. you can make vegan cherry pie crumble with succinant and other more "raw" types of sweeteners.
Ooooh pizza. You know what else would be good? Fresh mozz and tomato drizzled with olive oil.
We have officially made it farther (further?) than Dooce. Yea for us!
Your Quizno's story cracked me up yet it was also sad. All of that meat and cheese, and then being left with a pile of lettuce. Ooops. My mouth is watering again. Dammit!
The problem with the burgers in my grocery is that they all have gluten in them (believe me, I read and re-read all of the ingredients lastg night at the store.
I did break down and buy some "veggie shreads," the only non dairy cheese option in my strore. We'll see, I don't have high hopes. I'll let you know.
you can make your own veggie burgers. ill try to post instructions soon.
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