So, last night we went to a birthday party, and I was a little nervous. However, they served Mexican food, so I could eat just like a normal person and no one noticed I didn't have any meat. There were corn shells, black beans, salsa, guac and lettuce for me. I also picked out some veggies from the steak fajitas and ate those too. The beans were so good, I had a second helping! They had fruit kabobs and brownies for desert, so that was easy too.
Instead of alcohol, I just had bottled water with a lime squeezed into it. It was really hot out yesterday so that was really refreshing anyhow. A friend of mine told me about her fav drink which is club soda, cranberry juice and a lime. I think I will have that as tonight's drink!
Lunch today was smashed avocado with quartered cherry tomatoes from my very own garden. I added a little garlic, yellow onion and lemon juice. That with corn chips was lunch. MMMMMmmmmm good!
It seems that Mexican food is really good for this cleanse. Most authentic stuff is corn, and there are lots of veggies always.
I must say that I feel great, and this is not nearly as hard as I thought it would be. Breaking my caffeine addiction was not awful, and neither is no meat (I was a vegetarian (at least no red meat) for many years). I love knowing what I am putting into my body, and mostly where it has come from.
If anyone else is getting into this, you should read Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver. It is a wonderful book, and is more like I see myself eating for the rest of my life.
Hope it is ok to eat corn chips...
I thought I was doing great too--like, this isn't was bad as I thought it would be. Then tonight I had some SERIOUS salivation problems at the grocery store. My mouth was watering at all of the crap. Or even just cheese.
I really miss cheese.
Hooray for Mexican food! (without cheese)
I think I have (had) an ACUTE (yes, all caps acute) sugar addiction, because I've been feeling weak since I began cleansing. That and the headaches. Tonight I dreamed I ate a chocolate and cream puff pastry..... this cannot be normal.
Anyway, I'm quite confident that as soon as my body learns that no more sugar will be coming in, I'll feel better. And I will never eat sugar again, which is good for my teeth also.
Mexican food is great, and delicious. And avocado rules.
yes! brian and i were discussing how mexican is the ticket on this cleanse. i've been eating shit tons of burritos and avocados and beans and rice and mexican in general.
i'm glad your weekend went well!!!
Maybe moving to Mexico for three weeks would make the cleanse even easier :D
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