Sugar withdrawal. Just thought you should know.
What is everyone doing about social engagements? We're going to a friend's for dinner on Saturday and I don't want to appear to be a jerk/snob/someone with food "issues."
Also, this quinoa recipe is super-yummy.
if your pregnant, nursing, or have a young baby you can say your doctor is making you cut out things because he is concerned that baby might have some allergy.
you can also say you are on some medication that doesn't let you eat alot or you are getting over being sick and you just want a salad. or that you are being tested for food allergies.
you can also tell them you are anorexic or that you think you are better than them. that always works. especially if you never want to be invited back.
if they are your good friends, just tell them what you are doing. tell them you know its obnoixious.
our friends parents went on this heart diet and cut out all the oils in their diet and would bring the food they ate with them. once the dad went to a wedding and called ahead to make sure it was ok to bring his food. they also brought their own fat and oil free food to thanksgiving and christmas. however, they have lost like 80lbs total together and neither of them was fat to begin with. it might be a good conversation. although be prepared, a week ago you might have made fun of your friends for doing this.
you can also say that you already ate with your parents/boss/someone that sounds professional or make up some other really good excuse.
I definitely think that you should bring something that you like and can eat, and just take a big serving of that...then pick around other stuff.
I am going to a party on Friday night, and I was a little nervous about it, but everyone was asked to bring a dish, so I am just going to make sure I bring something that I can eat. I am also calling the other girl going who is a vegan and asking her to make something that is along our lines of boundaries. You could always call and offer to bring a dish and then just eat that.
Also, I thought I was going to drop dead from my headache yesterday. That and the exhaustion were killing me at work. I went to bed at 9, and now that I've eaten breakfast, I feel much better.
I finally broke down and took Advil. I never get headaches, and this one was a doozy. Just goes to show how much I rely on sugar to get me thru the day!
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