So, here in the middle of nowhere where I live, there is no Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, or even a Farmer's Mrket (except from 8-11 on Saturday mornings). I have been reading a lot of food labels, and have a few questions to pose to anyone out there who cares to answer...can we eat these things?:
- Original Terra Chips (if they're ok, they're a great munchy snack)
- Plain old corn tortilla chips from the grocery store
- IZZE Sparkling Soda (has citic acid in it, is that a sugar?)
- Balsamic Vinegar
I am all about the fruit this time of the year, and have been trying to buy as much organic product as possible. There is no way I can go to the tore with my kids, though. I have to be by myself with an hour or 2 to linger and read all the labels.
I recommend getting Skinny Bitch and Quantum Wellness both as resources.
Citric acid is not vitamin C, its a chemical that is used as a preservative in food and also used to make a tart taste.
It is used in many prepared foods like soda and cand. It is vegan, but things that contain citric acid as an ingredient aren't necesarily the most healthy things. I think those IZZE drinks have sugar.
I think the Terra chips are fine.
Corn Tortillas should be fine. Just make sure the ingredients say corn, water, and NO LARD or anything like that (mono and diglycerides = usually from animal meat).
BALSAMIC VINEGAR - I had to double check this one. The one we use is just pure balsamic vinegar. But many "CHEAP" brands add sugar and other shit.
Basically you like take a bunch of grapes and move them in wood casks until its acidic enough.
Some people take sugar and add it down to it and sell it for cheaper. You can get it without sugar as this is how it is supposed to be made.
Watch for the gluten in vinegar. I need to double check this, but I think that some brands contain traces.
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