Friday, July 18, 2008

I fell off the wagon

I lasted one week. Then the cheating became irreverent. Now I'm sorry but:

I'm happily weaned from caffeine and will never go back to drinking coffee again.

I know gluten makes me fat so I will go on avoiding it as much as I can, and gluten free pasta is just fine. Bread, pizza and cake I will keep on avoiding because I want to loose weight!

The dairy, well. I missed my yogurt soooo much that I started having it again, and it caused a little stir in my intestines and it was not very funny. I will still avoid cheese and milk.

And for the alcohol well. I said goodbye to beer. And it's good.

Sorry to disappoint... It was nice (yeah right) while it lasted.


SGM said...

I completely understand and don't think any worse of you! I came thisclose to falling off last night and my husband was the only thing that stopped me. His b-day was on Wed and we have the big hunk of ice cream cake in our fridge.

Cheers, Sol, and congrats on the caffiene!

Amanda said...

Aren't you proud to have gone this far? I am proud of you, and it looks like you learned what we were supposed to.

v8grrl said...

not the beer!!!

they do make gluten free beer :)